American Heritage Funeral Services
It can sometimes seem like it’s easier to not have a memorial service or funeral, but an easier or cheaper path is not always a better one. Grief experts all agree: a ceremony is an important part of the healing process.
American Heritage Cemetery
American Heritage Cemetery and Funeral home would like to invite you to our beautiful grounds and to review available options. We are constantly improving the park and are very proud of our sanctuary in the desert.
Design A Healing Experience
You’ll come together for the ceremony and continue to heal by visiting as often as you like. Whether you choose traditional burial or cremation, having a physical place to reflect is essential.
The Healing Starts Here
It's important to take the time to acknowledge the uniqueness of your loved one: the individuality of their personality, and the uniqueness of their life's path. Not just for them, but for you; it affirms the relationship, and leads to healing after loss. We will help you with this process each step of the way.
Veteran's Services
We believe those who served our nation are deserving of special attention, and we will take care of all details in securing the benefits your veteran is entitled to receive.
COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we hold funeral and memorial services for our loved ones, and in turn, the ways we grieve.
Affordable Burial Services
Losing a friend, loved one, or relative is a devastating event for anyone.
Affordable Cremation Services
It’s difficult to think about losing someone you love.
Burial Options
At American Heritage Cemetery & Funeral Home Crematory, understand how important it is to choose the right funeral home. You’ve suffered a loss.
Memorial Services
It can be one of the hardest times in your life, losing a loved one. The experience is challenging and can leave you feeling vulnerable. You need to carry on with your life, heal, and plan a funeral/memorial service all at the same time.
Traditional Funeral Services
Following the visitation/viewing of a friend or loved one who has passed on, traditionally, a funeral service is held at a church, funeral home, or some other event space.
Infant Funeral Services
At American Heritage Cemetery & Funeral Home Crematory, we understand that few things are more devastating than the death of a child.